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#1 Solar Geyser Supplier in Pretoria - Clearance Sale now ON!

Posted by Power Planet on

This is why you should have solar geysers in Pretoria!

Most modern homes build these days have placed an extra emphasis on being green. Having sustainable and environmentally friendly energy recourses will give you the added benefit of saving money while you contribute towards saving the planet. Getting off of the Eskom grid is what all homes should strive for as alternative energy resources will be able to limit the strain that Eskom is likely to face for the next couple of years. It is estimated that load shedding is going to be a very real reality for South Africa for many years to come and having access to an alternative energy source is going to mean that you will not have to worry about power cuts.

Solar geysers in Pretoria are a great way in which to cut back the amount of power that you use in your Pretoria home and it is a great way to save money. Solar geysers have the ability to harness the energy of the Sun and turn it into a sustainable energy resource that can be used throughout the day and the night. This is a worthwhile expense, especially since the geyser is the household’s energy guzzler. The geyser is estimated to be the one appliance that consumes the most energy and it is the one appliance that is going to cost you a fortune at the end of each month.

In South Africa we are thought to be one of the lucky countries that receives sun for around 90% of the year. The majority of the energy from the sun that hits the earth each day will go to waste. Solar energy is free and it is the ideal energy resource because it is not only sustainable and renewable but it is also not going to be the cause of pollution.


If you are thinking of making your home more environmentally friendly by installing systems such as solar geysers in Pretoria then you are probably wondering about how the system will be installed. Although the system may look like a complicated device it isn’t as complicate as it would seem. The installation process, according to Eskom, will depend on the following factors:

  • The system itself
  • The size of the system
  • The plumbing system that you have in your home
  • The type of solar geyser that you buy

The solar geyser can be installed within a day and before the system is installed the person who will be doing the installation will have a look at the roof on which the system will be installed. The weight of the system will depend greatly on the type of roof, as some roofs might not be strong enough to support the system. Solar geysers in Pretoria do not have to be an aesthetically unpleasing sight, these days with the developments in ways in which to hide the solar geysers, the solar geyser can be neatly hidden or blended in while the benefits of the solar geyser will remain the same.

Start saving money

You will possibly start seeing some change in your electricity bill the moment you install the geyser but the reality is that you are likely to only see a big change around five years after you have installed the solar geyser. This is because the initial buying of the solar geyser might be a bit pricey but the return on your investment will be more than noticeable. The saving on money will be reliant on the amount of water that the household uses, the size of the family and what the hot water will be used for. Solar geysers have a long life span and if you should choose to sell your house at some point, having a solar geyser is only going to benefit you by enabling you to sell the home for a higher price.Solar geysers in Pretoria do not require any electrical pump in order to get the heated water to move from the pipes where it is heated to the tank where it will be stored for later use. This means that the solar geyser will be in no way dependant on the use of electricity. Some solar geysers will combined the power of electricity with the benefits of solar power.

Electricity prices are always on the rise and any bit of saving will help. With prices set to go up steadily, even when the supply of electricity is becoming more and more unstable, having an alternative energy supply will only benefit you. Solar geysers are affordable options and they are often used on the newer houses or even on low cost housing as they are ideal for those who do not have access to the national power system. This reliable alternative to your energy needs will not be regretted as it will only save you money.

Quick facts about solar geysers

  • Solar geysers have the capability to save you money on all of your water heating costs.
  • By installing a solar geyser you will be cutting back on your carbon emissions by up to 3 tons a year.
  • The materials used to make the solar geysers in Pretoria are made from a strong material that is resistant to the effects of the temperature and the weather.
  • In very cold places the pipes used on the solar geysers might be damaged by the freezing temperatures.

You can start saving money and reducing the amount of carbon that you are responsible for by installing a solar geyser. These unique water heaters are designed to save you money and to help you to depend a little bit less on the national power system.

At Power Planet we keep a wide range of solar geysers in stock and our solar geysers are made up of only the best and most trusted brands. Ensuring that you get the most out of your solar geyser, all of our solar geysers come with warranties and all of our solar geysers, including our solar geysers in Pretoria, are SABS approved. 

  • power planet
  • solar geyser
  • solar geysers pretoria
  • solar geysers suppliers pretoria
  • solar geysers prices pretoria
  • solar water heating systems pretoria