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About Us

About Power Planet

The world is going green and more people are turning towards the use of sustainable and renewable energy. Power Planet has committed itself to environmental sustainability through the supply of energy efficient products for the home and workplace. We believe that by using gas geysers, solar geysers and environmentally friendly LED lighting, to name a few of the energy saving products available, the public can take the necessary steps towards turning around the current energy crisis that everyone on the planet is facing.

Power Planet is a company that wants to give everyone the opportunity to become part of the green revolution. By providing affordable and renewable energy solutions to your energy needs, Power Planet is helping everyone to have the opportunity to go green. Power Planet has sourced products which are within the budget range of every person. The products that we sell are all environmentally friendly which will enable a person to reduce their dependency on non-renewable resources and contribute to a healthier world for everyone.

It's all about service

At Power Planet we have done the research to find out what needs to be done to enable the average household to reduce their monthly electricity and water costs while at the same time reduce their carbon footprint. Each of our products will save you money in the long term and they will guarantee that you contribute towards saving the planet from the harmful effects of carbon emissions. This is the only planet that we have to live on and we are all responsible for caring for it and protecting it. Every bit helps, even if it is as small as replacing your lights with a more eco-friendly alternative.

Power Planet has a range of generators, gas geysers and solar geysers, LED lights and solar lights as well as water tanks that are designed to save you money and contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment. Power Planet is able to equip you with the necessary products and the necessary knowledge in order for you to live a good quality life while at the same time reducing pollution.

Every South African should have easy access to eco-friendly products and our online store makes it simple for anyone to gain the information that is necessary to make a decision about purchasing a product from the easy to use online store. We deliver our products nationwide and you can ask us about product installation.

We welcome you to have a look through our affordable product range and to contact us should you require more information. Ordering through our website is made simple for your convenience and we are happy to assist you if you are having trouble selecting a product.

Become environmentally conscious, turn your home or business green by installing eco-friendly electricity generating products.